the things that a mahram and a mahram can not do:

The things that a mahram can not do, and things that the mahram can not do; dress for a man, it is haraam for him to wear the stitched and the perimeter, which is made on the size of the body or for some of it, and it is also forbidden to cover his head with anything that is considered a cover, , And it is permissible when the Hanafis without manslaughter, but the umbrella is now obligatory, because the movement of man in Makkah or the city where the possibility of a large blow to the sun, God Almighty said:
(And have received your hands to the destruction)
[Al-Baqarah: 195]
It is not permissible to put a meal on it, even if it is sewn, but it is not surrounding.
If you do not need a meal or a tip, you need a conditioner, and you have to draw a band on it, and to wear a ring, glasses and a watch. It is permissible for him to hold the zaar from both sides. Of course, we are talking about Azar and not about the robe; the zara is in the lower section and the garment is in the upper part.
Umrah Package December 2017

It is permissible for him to wear a takah, khattah, or giraffe, which he wears on both sides, so that he can pull the zirr on his waist, but he does not have to sew it on his sides, and the woman may wear what she wants. According to the convictions, if the wife covers her face in her country, she should cover it up there, and there is a way to cover her face in Hajj, which is to put a small protective mask with a handkerchief. Then the handkerchief comes away from her face. Ndel and then face the face of whatever the Hajj or otherwise, and the guide:
"We were forbidden with the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) - Mrs. Aisha - if the rakban passed by us, or if one of them hit her on the face," she said, "if the woman is afraid of revealing her face, she may cover it with a tissue as we mentioned before. can not be . If a man needs to cover his head with a cure, or a woman should cover her face for that, then it is permissible and she must pay the ransom.
 It is haraam for a mahram to wear perfume in his body, his garment, or his bed with everything that is good
It is haraam for a mahram to wear perfume in his body or in his garment or bed with everything that is good. But what is good smells, and is not as sweet as the smell of fruits, such as apples and oranges, is not forbidden, but it is haraam to paint with perfume and creams. It is not customarily forbidden to wear perfume on them except in the head and beard. It is usually used to paint oil with oil, and it is haraam to use fine kohl, and to eat good food, like some sweets.
When a person is sitting in the hands of Attar with the intention of sniffing a scent intentionally, he dislikes it, and the person who is ignorant and the ignorant, and the sinner and the sinner are prepared, whether in the obligation of reward, except that the forgettee is not held accountable to Allaah. The ignorant is held accountable for his ignorance and the mistake. The intention is to be accountable for his baptism, but in the penalty he understands it both.
Then the human being to take enough of the food, drink and transportation at the minimum and does not increase. It is forbidden to remove the nail, or part of it, if doing sin and sticks, and the ransom obligation, then the person should not pray with the nail in his mouth, and the important attention to these things, Then the throat is first of the default, and if he knew that his hair is light and whenever a prostrate fell, he does not touch his hair, but if his hair fell from his prayer, there is nothing on him.


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